'All Killer No Filler' is an exhibition showcasing the creativity of UCLan's BA(Hons)Fashion Promotion with Styling students.


Spotlight on: Samantha Grayer!

The lovely Sam stops by for a quick chat about styling & selling stuff on ebay...
What is your trade mark procrastination activity?
I would say my trademark procrastination activity has got to be selling my belongings on eBay. Everything from left over items and clothing from shoots to my own unwanted clothes, I have even started shopping for items just to sell! Nothing is safe! I’m pretty sure I am going to have nothing left soon so maybe it’s a good thing I graduate this summer!
If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only have three items with you, what would they be?
I would have to take a really great long book, music and the love of my life.
What is the best item you have acquired as a stylist?
I have acquired so much in the last 3 years. I think I have picked the best career, as I am a sort of collector of anything and everything. I like to be surrounded by things I like, for me it is about looking at things when you are not looking at them, which is why I do it and when something has served it purpose I change it around.

1 comment:

  1. GREAT POST:) your blog Is such an inspiration.

    If you like LC s fashion collection...check out my blog:)

    Have a great week dear

    LOVE Maria from inredningsvis.se
